Constructed Landscapes | Art In Residence

"In this workshop participants will take found images as well as your own photography, and approach creating collaged photographic work using a constructive approach to photography. This class is open to both physical and digital approaches towards constructing a new series of work. You will be challenged to take one photograph and develop it in three different directions to start. Over the period of the class sessions, you will be introduced to new materials to bring into your photographic work. We will encourage experimental approaches pushing your own personal boundaries of creating. The final class will be presenting both successes and challenges from the creative process you individually experienced in class.
Beth Davila Waldman is a cross-disciplinary artist using photography, painting, assemblage and installation. Her work explores the impact of socio-political trends on cultural landscapes, often through imagery laden with indicators of economic and social status, presented in a manner that emulates the sheer stress of imposed change. Waldman’s constructed vistas re-conceive the notion of sanctuary amidst the realities of colonization, and invite meditations on civil access."