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AVUHSD Student Services
The Antelope Valley Union High School District covers a geographic area from the Angeles Forest in the south to the Kern County line in the north and from the Ventura/Kern County lines in the west to the San Bernardino County line in the east. Over 22,000 students are educated in our 8 comprehensive and 4 continuation high schools with additional educational opportunities offered by our Career and Technical Education programs, Regional Occupational Program (ROP), and Adult Education campuses. We also offer options for seventh and eighth grade students via our Academies of the Antelope Valley: SOAR Prep Academy and AV Virtual Academy. Our mission is to provide a safe and secure learning environment that promotes a rigorous curriculum and enables our students to develop the necessary academic, technical, and work-related skills of the 21st century. Every student who graduates will be prepared to pursue college or any career to which he/she aspires.
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